Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS)

Zung’s model for depression, the Zung Self-Rating Depression scale, measures psychological and somatic symptoms linked to depression.  In addition, the scale can be used as a screening tool, monitor for changes, and clinical research purposes.

The questionnaire includes 20-items testing four common characteristic of depression – the pervasive effect, the physiological equivalents, other disturbances, and psycho-motor activities.  Respondents are given a 4-point scale to react to positive or negative statements.  Approximately 10 minutes is required to complete the test.


Dr. William W.K. Zung

Reliability and Validity

The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale has fairly good reliability.  Zung has reported a split-half reliability of 0.73.  An alpha coefficient of 0.68 was obtained by DeForge and Sobal (1988), however 0.82 was reported by DeJonghe & Baneke (1989) and Leung, Lee, Lue, & Tang (1989).  The ZSDS when correlated with the physician’s global rating received a correlation of 0.69.  In addition, ZSDS has a strong correlation with the Hamiliton Rating Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory in assessing self-criticism, hysteria, hypochondriasis, and paranoia.

Obtaining the ZSDS

Zung Depression Scale

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

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Evans D, McCartney C, Haggerty J: Treatment of depression in cancer patients in association with better life adaptation: a pilot study. Psychosom Med 1988; 50:72–76 13.

Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group: Functional Assessment Scale. Clinical Oncology: A Functional Approach. Edited by Rubin P. American Cancer Society, 1983.

Falcon S, Pinglo F, Hurtado de Mendoza L: Autoassessment Zung Scale (anxiety and depression) use in hospitalized patients for cancer treatment. Proc Am Soc Clin Onc Los Angeles, 199814.

Zung, W. W. (1972). The Depression Status Inventory: An adjunct to the Self-Rating Depression Scale: Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol 28(4) Oct 1972, 539-543

Zung, W. W., & Zung, E. M. (1986). Use of the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale in the elderly: Clinical Gerontologist Vol 5(1-2) Jun 1986, 137-148.

Dissertation and Journals

Thurber, Steven, Snow, Mark, Honts, Charles R. (2002).  The Zung Self-Rating Depression scale.  Boise State University.

T. Kitamura, H. Hirano, Z. Chen, and M. Hirata (2009).  Factor structure of the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale in first-year university students in Japan.  Psychiatry Research, Volume 128, Issue 3, 281-287

Gregor, J. Robert. (1994)  The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale as a Potential Screening Tool for Use with Eskimos.  State University of New York.

Smith, B. Timothy, Rosenstein, Ilene, Granaas, M. Michae (2001).  Intake Screening with the self-Rating Depression Scale in a University Counseling Center.  Journal of College Counseling.