Dissertation Timeline | Section 3 – PROSPECTUS / CONCEPT PAPER

Prospectus/Concept Paper

Considering your prospectus will likely represent your first official submission to your committee. Typically want to start your prospectus by clearly indicating in its introduction the rationale behind your dissertation topic. This will necessarily involve providing pertinent background information—either in the introduction or separately—to familiarize your committee with the literature in which your study sits. Essentially, let your committee know that you have a rock-solid grasp on what you aim to study, and why you know you must do so.

Typical time to completion: 60 days

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Prospectus & Dissertation Introduction: Everything You Need to Know 

How to Choose your Topic & Develop your RQ’s & Hypothesis

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How to Complete your Dissertation in 1 Year

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Directory of Survey Instruments 


Building Blocks of Your Research Concept Paper

Developing Your Theoretical Framework

What’s the deal with conceptual framework?

Concept Paper/Prospectus

The Logical Link Between Instrument and Framework

Connecting the Theoretical Framework to Your Quantitative Study

Your Theoretical Framework Should Not be an Afterthought

The Theoretical Framework: Keep it Simple

How to Begin Writing your Theoretical Framework 

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