SPSS Statistics Help

SPSS stand for Statistical Package for Social Sciences, and it is used by researchers to perform statistical analysis. As the name suggests, SPSS statistics software is used to perform only statistical operations.

The statisticians at Statistics Solutions are experts in SPSS software and statistical operations, so if you are a graduate student or researcher, we can assist you in the following areas:

  • Understanding the capabilities of SPSS software
  • Data entry, cleaning, and coding data in SPSS
  • Choosing the correct statistical test to run
  • Analyzing data in SPSS
  • Interpreting SPSS output

SPSS is used to perform quantitative analysis and is a complete statistical package utilizing a point and click interface. This software has been widely used by researchers to perform quantitative analysis since its development in the 1960s by Norman H. Nie, in collaboration with C. Hadlai Hull and Dale Bent.

SPSS version 29 can read and write data from other statistical packages, databases, and spreadsheets, such as SAS version 6 – 9, Stata version 4 – 13, and Excel. SPSS has two views, the variable view and the data view. The variable view allows users to name variables, identify the level of measurement, and assign missing values among other data coding/management functions. The data view allows the researcher to view and visually examine the data. Data can also be sorted and columns added or deleted from this view.

SPSS is most often used in social science fields such as psychology, where statistical analysis is prevalent. Relevant to the field of psychology, techniques such as descriptive statistics, t-test, chi square test, etc., are available in the “analyze” menu of the software.

SPSS offers some sophisticated inferential and multivariate statistical procedures such as factor analysis, discriminant analysis, analysis of variance, etc. SPSS, as the name suggests, is software for performing statistical procedures in the social sciences field. The number of analyses and specific analyses that can be conducted in SPSS does vary depending on the version of SPSS and if you have access to Base, Standard, or Premium. If you’re looking to conduct SEM, you will need to obtain a copy of AMOS, the SPSS add on for conducting SEM. SPSS can also be used to create plots and figures, and as of recently, can present the tables in the output in APA 7 format.

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