Quantitative Analysis Workshop

In this workshop, we will work with participants to complete their quantitative analysis. This is an interactive webinar, and participants will either complete a draft of their research results, complete with APA-style tables and figures, or develop a clear strategy to manage data and conduct analyses.

This quantitative analysis workshop utilizes the innovative software, Intellectus Statistics, the statistics software for non-statisticians. Intellectus Statistics is crafted to empower individuals with limited statistical knowledge to perform statistical analyses and communicate their findings effectively.

The software caters to a wide range of users, including community college students, undergraduates, non-statistician administrators, professional doctorate students, and R1 researchers. With it’s easy to use interface and multitude of self-help tools, determining the appropriate analysis for your study and then running your analysis is a breeze. The write-up? Automatically generated with tables in APA 7 format. Not to mention, your findings can then be downloaded into a word document to be added to your project’s working draft.

To learn more about Intellectus Statistics and what it has to offer, click here.

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