Theses and Dissertation Proposals – When to Get Help


No matter what your field, a thesis or dissertation project is a major undertaking. While, over the course of your work, you’ll find yourself becoming an expert in your chosen topic, graduate students are often given little guidance in the nuts and bolts of the writing process. Methodology and statistics offer significant challenges in how they’re presented to be understood, and if your university doesn’t offer support in thesis or dissertation writing – or if that support is overtaxed – it may be time to seek outside assistance.

Depending on your needs, you may want a dissertation template, a timeline to help you organize your efforts and scheduling, data analysis plan template, calculators, or statistical analysis, which are all available through our Online Memberships. Statistics Solutions consults on academic projects such as theses and dissertations, providing critical support in the methodology and results stages. The kind of help you get will depend on where you are in the process – at minimum, you need to have your proposal and research questions, whereas later on, you may need help analyzing your data and organizing the conclusions into a consumable form.

An initial consultation takes 30 minutes, and can help you clarify not only what path you’ll take to complete your thesis or dissertation, but also the type of support that can be provided.  Statistics Solutions offers one-on-one consulting as well as access to resources through our multiple online memberships.  As of September 30th, we will also be launching Statistics Solutions Pro, an application that will expedite your results chapter.

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Get Your Dissertation Approved

We work with graduate students every day and know what it takes to get your research approved.

  • Address committee feedback
  • Roadmap to completion
  • Understand your needs and timeframe