I want dissertation students to be empowered in their dissertations, to learn something, and to graduate. In the dissertation consulting business, Intellectus Consulting has come across a lot of mixed method dissertations, and they’re seemingly on the rise. Graduate students often review two methodologies and conduct both quantitative and qualitative methods simply because their advisor told them to. The lament of the dissertation chairs are “one methodology is not enough” or I want you to “triangulate your findings.” There are literally tens of thousands of purely quantitative OR qualitative dissertations sitting in the library, so why this trend?
First, I suspect that the chairs are getting pressure from the top, who are getting pressure from accreditation boards, to have more scholarly dissertations. The answer to more scholarly dissertations is not more breath, but more depth. Dissertations are to be original, add to the literature on a topic, and to provide a research experience to the student–this can certainly be done with one methodology. Let’s be honest: most institutions are not research institutions. Chairs, administration, and accreditation boards should stop trying to force a square peg into a round hole and focus on the dissertation that aligns with the prepared research students to conduct. (and by the way, just giving them a few dissertation classes is not preparation–the entire graduate experience is the preparation–if you can’t do it, don’t expect miracles in the last year).
Second, I suspect there is a mismatch between what the student’s comfort and preparation level and the chairs experience. There’s an old adage, that “your down on what you’re not up on.” Dissertation students should wisely choose their chair and committee, asking about their experience and past dissertations.
Third, students are not empowered, nor have the experience, to say I want to do just quantitative or just qualitative. I believe this happens for several reasons. The dissertation is primarily an individual process and bouncing the process off others in a confidential manner with colleagues is difficult. The dissertation process involves many people, so delays are more likely than in a class with one teacher. I also think anxiety sets in. Anxiety is natural since dissertation students are so close to finishing, the process is brand new, and their control seems to be at a minimum.
The Solution: Key Steps to Success
So what’s the solution? First, pick the dissertation chairperson well and only once. Changing chairpersons will almost always cost you more time and money. You’ll spend over a year with this person, so it’s worth having a few conversations before committing. Second, as odd as it may sound, disengage emotionally from the process. Many factors are beyond your control, like the topic, response time, and process structure. Just focus on what you can control, dispassionately, and consistently. Finally, get support—social, collegial, statistical, and APA editing—to increase your chances with those who know you and the process. The stakes are high, so finish strong, quickly, and make the most of the experience.
We work with graduate students every day and know what it takes to get your research approved.