Parallel Construction

APA Editing

When writing your dissertation, you must ensure that your sentences follow parallel construction, which is pertinent to clear and concise writing. For more information and examples of parallel construction, see APA6, Section 3.23.

To enhance a reader’s understanding, present parallel ideas in parallel or coordinate form. Make certain that all elements of the parallelism are present before and after the coordinating conjunction (i.e., and, but, or, and nor).

The results showed that ice cream sales increase in the summer and that homicide rates increase during the same time.

The results showed that ice cream sales increase in the summer and homicide rates increase during the same time.

With coordinating conjunctions used in pairs (between . . . and, both . . . and, neither . . . nor, either . . . or, not only . . . but also), place the first conjunction immediately before the first part of the parallelism. Elements in a series should also be in parallel form.
The Pokemaster had to choose between catching a Pokemon and catching the bus.

The Panda King wanted both to bring peace to his kingdom and to eat all of the bamboo as fast as he could.

Neither the lack of experience nor the lack of skill could stop this rookie from winning the hot dog eating contest.

The dragons either were in their lair or were in the castle.

It was surprising not only that the candies were so cheap, but also that they were easy to consume.

The teacher told the student to sit in the corner, to think about what he did, and to stop hiding small objects in Susie’s hair.

The Pokemaster had to choose between catching a Pokemon and the bus.

The Panda King wanted both to bring peace to his kingdom and eat all of the bamboo as fast as he could.

Neither the lack of experience nor skill could stop this rookie from winning the hot dog eating contest.

The dragons either were in their lair or in the castle.

It was not only surprising that the candies were so cheap, but also that they were easy to consume.

The teacher told the student to sit in the corner, to think about what he did, and that he should stop hiding small objects in Susie’s hair.

Following basic grammar and APA rules will bring your dissertation to a higher standard of writing and establish your credibility as a scholarly researcher.