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“A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation: as you do the way of life, you will see a great chasm.  Jump.  It is not as wide as you think.”  –Joseph Campbell

Happy New Year to you all! The new year is filled with lessons and successes from 2016, and with plans, resolutions, and goal-setting for 2017. In this letter, I want to inspire you all to risk. So often we want to stay safe and yet we wonder why we haven’t changed year to year.

Risk. Risking by its very nature means doing something that is unfamiliar, challenging, something that gets your heart pumping. Viscott said of risking that it entails, “giving up false beliefs, compromised allegiances, misdirected investments, superficial attachments, and destructive habits.” It could mean being more vulnerable with others, pushing oneself physically, or even the risk of greater autonomy.  Risking is to risk being your best self.

Risking also models growth for your children.  Children learn that self-esteem and preparedness is necessary to risking.  Being able to risk is a sign that you are living your right life.  Living the right life gives you wiggle room to try new things.  A person risking is able to do and say things that need to be done and said.

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 “When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take the first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen.  There will be something solid for you to stand on or you will be taught to fly.”  –Patrick Overton

And so, I invite you all to have a wonderful 2017, and to risking for a better self!


