The Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Org) is a 20-item measure created to monitor one of the most stressful occupations in North America; policing. Reduced productivity, absenteeism, and employee turnover are all stress-related issues that may negatively affect employers with burnt-out employees. To address such challenges, the Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Org) is a valuable tool. Not only does it measure police stress, but it also psychometrically evaluates stressors associated with policing. Moreover, this data can be utilized in future research programs to further explore the associations among physical health, stress, and psychological well-being.
Donald R. McCreary & Megan M. Thompson
To Access this Instrument
Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire
Reliability and Validity
In the report by developer McCreary DR & Thompson MM (2004), The development of a reliable and valid measure of stressors in policing: A summary of findings from WSIB Development Grant 02-051, showed that the PSQ-ORG is valid and reliable.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Basically, Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians. Specifically, they can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses, and explaining the results. In addition, their expertise ensures that each step of the research process is carried out effectively. Ultimately their support enables researchers to achieve accurate and meaningful outcomes.
For further information on these services, click here.
Dissertations that have used the Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire
Moreno, Benjamin R. (2011). Organizational Stress: The Unseen Enemy of Police. (ProQuest).
Prasad, Lawrence Rakesh. (2006). Behind the Front Line Stressors and Coping in Border Services Officers. (Kwantlen University College).
Ursitti, Antoinette, M. A Quantitative Assessment of Spirituality in Police Officers and the Relationship to Police Stress. (Olivet Nazarene University).
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McCreary, Donald R.; Thompson, Megan M. (2006). Development of Two Reliable and Valid Measures of Stressors in Policing: The Operational and Organizational Police Stress Questionnaires. International Journal of Stress Management, Vol 13(4).
McCreary, Don. (2009). Development of the Police Stress Questionnaires.