Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)

The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) has been recognized for more than a decade as the leading measure of burnout, incorporating the extensive research that has been conducted in the more than 25 years since its initial publication. The MBI includes three questionnaires – the Human Services Survey, the General Survey, and the one this report is on, the Educators Survey.

The MBI Surveys address three general scales:

  • Emotional exhaustion measures feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one’s work
  • Depersonalization measures an unfeeling and impersonal response toward recipients of one’s service, care treatment, or instruction
  • Personal accomplishment measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one’s work

The ES evaluates three dimensions of burnout in education, including teacher, aides, and administrators.  This instrument is very similar to the HSS, expect that is specifically deals with educative administrative stress in relation to students.
Formatting for the ES is a 22-item survey which uses a 7-point scale for responses.  An answer can range from “Never” to Every day.”

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Maslach, Christina; Jackson, Susan E.; Leiter, P. Michael; Schaufeli, Wilmar B., 1996.

Reliability and Validity

Several studies carried out by Iwanicki & Schwab (1981) and Gold (1984) support reliability such as the three-factor structure and internal reliability.  Cronbach alpha ratings of 0.90 for emotional exhaustion, 0.76 Depersonalization, and 0.76 for Personal accomplishment were reported by Schwab; very similar ratings were reported by Gold.  Time periods of a few weeks, 3 months, and 1 year were used for test-retest reliability.  Scores in the few week range were the highest (.60-.82) whereas scores in the year range were the lowest (0.54-0.60).  The test manual covers validity for the MPI by noting patterns that appear again in the field.  For example, male teachers score higher then female in the depersonalization scale, which is consistent with other helping professions.

Learn more about the MBI or to Purchase

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About Mind Garden, Inc.

Mind Garden is an independent psychological publishing company of leadership, coping, anxiety and many other assessments and developmental materials.  Since 1994, Mind Garden has sought to preserve and grow important psychological assessments.  Mind Garden has an array of services related to online access and scoring of instruments.

Mind Garden is unique in providing a rapid response to purchase of permission to reproduce their products, via PDF. This is ideal for Ph.D. candidates and researchers who “need it now”, as well as those who may wish to use an instrument online with other instruments or questions.  Paper licenses are also available, providing one copy with permission to reproduce. Mind Garden provides review copies of instruments and scoring in the product manual so that you do not need to order additional components to understand an instrument.

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

For additional information on these services, click here.

Dissertations Using the Maslach Burnout Inventory

Below is a list of dissertations using the MBI.  The full version of these dissertations can be found using ProQuest.

Bradham, K. M. (2008). Empathy and burnout in nurses. Institute for Clinical Social Work (Chicago)).

Tebandeke, A. Z. (2008). The relationship among sense of coherence, job burnout, and health status of hospital psychiatric nurses. Walden University).

Peery, A. I. (2006). Caring and burnout in registered nurses: Whats the connection? North Carolina State University).

Poghosyan, L. (2008). Cross-national exploration of nurse burnout: Predictors and consequences in eight countries. University of Pennsylvania).

Hunnibell, L. S. (2006). Self-transcendence and the three aspects of burnout syndrome in hospice and oncology nurses. Case Western Reserve University (Health Sciences)).

Kahler, R. D. (1990). Burnout in the long-term care provider: An assessment of burnout factors among clinical employees in nursing homes. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale).

Burke, K. M. (1996). An investigation of burnout in new jersey staff nurses: The effects of fear of success in nursing and narcissism. New York University).


Maslach, C., Jackson, S. E., & Leiter, M. P. (1996). Maslach Burnout Inventory. (3rd ed.). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Cordes, C. L., & Dougherty, T. W. (1993). A review and integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Re- view, 18, 621-656.

Schaufeli, W. B., Maslach, C., & Marek, T. (Eds.) (1993), Professional burnout: Recent developments in theory and research. Washington, DC. View


Kokkinos, M. Constantinos (2006).  Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey among elementary and secondary teachers in Cyprus.  Stress and Health, Vol. 22, Issue 1, 25-33.