Learning Styles Inventory (LSI) – Brown and Cooper

This self-report survey, Learning Styles Inventory by Brown and Cooper, measure methods of receiving and presenting information of intermediate and secondary students.  Three categories are used to represent these preferences – Cognitive Style, Social Style, and Expressiveness Style.  The LSI instrument has helped in the research of individualized teaching instruction geared towards specific student abilities, need, and interests. Respondents are asked to answer to 45-items using a 4-point, Likert-style scale.  There is a computer-assisted and pencil-and-paper versions of the LSI that the individual can take.

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Jerry F. Brown & Richard M. Cooper, 1993.

Reliability and Validity

Data used for testing reliability and validity originated from the report manual for the Brown and Cooper Learning Style Inventory.  Split-half reliabilities were moderate to low expect for four of the subscales: Auditory Numerical (0.95), Expressive Oral (0.95), Expressive Written (0.81), and Group Learner (0.93).  No factor analytical studies have been done to support validity.

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Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

For additional information on these services, click here.


Brown, B. L., and Pritz, S. G. Teaching and Assessment Perspectives: A Teacher’s Guide. Columbus: Division of Vocational and Adult Education, Ohio Department of Education, forthcoming.

Captive Students: Education and Training in America’s Prisons (1996) Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. View

Collaborative Approach to Literacy Instruction Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. Syracuse, NY: Follett.

Kolb, D. A., and Smith, D. M. (1985) User’s Guide for the Learning Style Inventory . Boston, MA: McBer and Company. View

McCracken, G. (1988) The Long Interview Sage University Paper Series on Qualitative Research Methods, (Vol. 13). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Mind Tools Ltd. “How Your Learning Style Affects Use of Mnemonics.” Yapton, England: Mind Tools, Ltd., 1998.