The Leadership Skills Inventory – Karnes is one of several instruments that measure an individual’s abilities in the area of leadership. Nine domains are used in the LSI assessing strengths and weaknesses related to leadership.
Participants are asked to answer a series of competency statement and then several items using 4-point scale (“Almost Always” to “Almost Never”). The instrument is self-administered and self-scored; the LSI Karnes is done in paper-and-pencil format. Approximately 45 minutes is required to complete the test.
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Frances A. Karnes & Jane C. Chauvin, 1985.
Reliability and Validity
Karnes’s test manual data for validity could be more extensive to support that the Leadership Skills Inventory does measure leadership skills. Scores for reliability are moderate to good. The internal reliability and split-half coefficients were mostly at 0.80 and above. Over a specified time period of 4 weeks, the test-retest reliability showed up as 0.49 and under in one of the samples. There was no standard error of measurement investigated in the manual. The construct and concurrent validity was also absent.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.
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Edwards, A. L. (1953). The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. New York: The Psychological Corporation. View
Kerr, A. Bara. Review of the Leadership Skills Inventory. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Miller, R. (1984). Leader/agents guide/leadership life skills. Stillwater, OK: Southern Region 4-H Materials.
Lee., Steven W. Review of the Leadership Skills Inventory. Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.
Dissertations and Journals
Edmunds, Alan L. (1998). Content, Concurrent and Construct Validity of the Leadership Skills Inventory. Roeper Review, v20, n4, 281-84.
Shaunessy, Elizabeth; and Karnes, Frances A. (2004). Instruments for Measuring Leadership in Children and Youth. Gifted Child Today, Vol. 27, Issue 1.