Children’s Social Behavioral Scale – Teacher Form (CSBS-T)

The Children’s Social Behavioral Scale – Teacher Form is a 15-item survey that was developed to measure young children’s behavior with peers at school. This teacher-reported measure asks teachers to rate children’s aggressive, withdrawn and prosocial behaviors.

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Ladd, Gary W.; Profilet, Susan Muth

Reliability and Validity

Data was gathered for the Children’s Social Behavioral Scale on 2 cohorts ( n = 206 per cohort) of 5- to 6-year-old children; teachers rated children on Aggressive With Peers, Prosocial With Peers, Asocial With Peers, Excluded by Peers, Anxious–Fearful, and Hyperactive–Distractible subscales twice during the school year. Scores were internally consistent, distinct, and relatively stable over time. The validation paradigm produced a network of correlations that was, overall, consistent with the hypothesized conceptual structure of the CBS. These findings replicated across cohorts and provide sufficient evidence of the reliability and validity of the Children’s Social Behavioral Scale to recommend its use for behavioral assessment with young children.

Learn More About the Children’s Social Behavioral Scale or to Purchase


Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

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