Burns Brief Inventory of Communication and Cognition (Burns Inventory)

Planned for speech-language pathologists, the Burns Brief Inventory of Communication and Cognition determines the cognitive or communicative skills that are damaged in patients with neurological injury. This instrument focuses on the three inventories – Right Hemisphere, Left Hemisphere, and Complex Neuropathology – to evaluate which skills are damaged and which need intervention.

You will require approximately 30 minutes to complete each inventory. The clinician separates each inventory into domains and then divides it into 5-item “task sets,” using a profile grid to respond.


Martha S. Burns, 1997

Reliability and Validity

The Psychometric characteristic are addressed the manual for the Burns Brief Inventory of Communication. Scores of 0.74 to 0.97 shows a high internal reliability.  Over 2 day and 7 day intervals, the test-retest reliabilities where all below 0.70, moderate to poor scores.  The Inter-rater reliability also was reported as moderate for three task sets.  The test manual provided insufficient information to support validity.  Minimal evidence for concurrent validity showed doubt in using only one inventory, instead of three, to evaluate the patient.   Correlations with other communication and cognition did not score high enough to support validity.

Where to Purchase

Pearson Assessments

Administration, Analysis, and Reporting

Intellectus Consulting can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.
For additional information on these services, click here.


Burns, M.S. (1997). Burns brief inventory of communication and cognition. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Assessments.

Mesulam, M. (1985). Patterns in behavioral neuroanatony: Association areas, the limbic system, and hemispheric specialization. In M. Mesulam (Ed.), Principles of behavioral neurology (pp. 1-70). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.

Review of the Burns Brief Inventory of Communication and Cognition by Joan C. Ballard. State University of New York College at Geneseo.

Review of the Burns Brief Inventory of Communication and Cognition by Richard I. Frederick. U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, MO.