Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)

BSI or Brief Symptom Inventory is an instrument that evaluates psychological distress and psychiatric disorders in people. BSI collects data reported by patients for the evaluation. The test can be used for areas such as patient progress, treatment measurements, and psychological assessment.

The test is a 53-item self report scale that uses the 5 point Likert scale. It takes approximately 4 minutes to administer.

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Author Leonard DeRogatis

Reliability According to studies by Croog (1986), Arion & Patsdaughter (1989), and Derogatis (1993) the BSI instrument has good internal reliability showing an average rating above .7 for the scales. The range for test-retest reliability was .68 to .91. This test is commonly correlated with the SCL-90-R test which also has been deemed reliable in assess functional, psychosocial, and psychological status through studies by Derogatis and Horowitz.

Where to Purchase

Pearson Assessments

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

For additional information on these services, click here.


Conoley, J.C., & Kramer, J.J. (1989). The Tenth Mental Measurements Yearbook (pp.111-113)

Derogatis, L.R.(1993). BSI Brief Symptom Inventory: Administration, Scoring, and Procedure Manual (4th Ed.). Minneapolis, MN: National Computer Systems

Wood, W.D. (1986). Patterns of Symptom Report on the Brief Symptoms, Psychological Reports, 58, 427-431.