Developed specifically for adolescents, the Adolescent Drinking Index (ADI) assesses the degree of an individual’s drinking problem. The ADI four dimensions of drinking problem symptoms are: loss of control of drinking, social in-targets dictators, psychological indicators, and physical indicators.
Participants will respond to a 24-item scale using two Likert style scales. Response can be “like me a lot to not like me at all” or “4 or more times to never.” Approximately 5 minutes is required for completion.
Adele V. Harrell & Phillip W. Wirtz, 1989.
Reliability and Validity
Information concerning reliability and validity was taken from the test manual. Reliability was very high with the internal consistency coefficients all above 0.90 and test-retest coefficients at .78. The ADI was correlated with the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test resulting in values of 0.60 to 0.63. Supported discriminate validity shows that this instrument is a tool for assessing the abuse of alcohol with adolescents.
Where to Purchase
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Intellectus Consulting can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.
For additional information on these services, click here.
Burkett, Steven R. (1993). Perceived Parents’ Religiosity, Friends’ Drinking, and Hellfire: A Panel Study of Adolescent Drinking. Review of Religious Research, Vol. 35, No. 2
Christiansen, Bruce A. (1989). Using Alcohol Expectancies to Predict Adolescent Drinking Behavior after One Year. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v57, n1, 93-99.
Donlon, Thomas F. Review of the Adolescent Drinking Index. Office of Test Development and Research, Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, NJ.
McCarthy, Kevin J; Dralle, Penelope W. Review of the Adolescent Drinking Index. E. Hunt Correctional Center, St. Gabriel, LA, and Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Wills, Thomas; Vaccaro, Donato; and McNamara, Grace (1992). The role of life events, family support, and competence in adolescent substance use: A test of vulnerability and protective factors. American Journal of community Psychology, vol.20, No.3, 349-374.