Teaching Confidence Scale

Based on a list of 32 teaching skills developed from interviews of teachers in a teacher training program, the Teaching Confidence Scale asks takers to rate how confident they were in their ability to accomplish each skill using a 6-point likert design.  The authors stress that “In order to create a measure appropriate for your program, you would have to determine what students should be able to do after completing your requirements and then build a scale based on these expectations.” The reader is prompted to answer to each of the 15 questions least prepared, prepared, more prepared, most prepared.

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Anita Woolfolk Hoy, 2000

Obtaining this Instrument

For additional information on the Teaching Confidence Scale, including information on reliability, validity, and factor analysis, and on how to obtain a copy of the instrument, visit Ohio State University

Obtaining the Teacher Confidence Scale


Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

For additional information on these services, click here.


Jung, Woo, Ph.D., Cho, Grace, Ph.D., and Ambrosetti, Debra, Ph.D. (2011). Preservice Teacher’s Confidence Levels in Working with Students with Special Needs: Improving Preservice Teacher Training Programs. Electronic Journal of Inclusive Education.

Dissertations Using the Teaching Confidence Scale

Hoy, Anita Woolfolk. 2000. Changes in Teacher Efficacy During the Early Years of Teaching. The Ohio State University