Reliability Analysis

Reliability describes how consistently a scale produces results when you repeat measurements.  It measures the systematic variation in a scale by assessing the association between scores from different administrations. It determines the proportion of systematic variation in a scale by assessing the association between scores from different administrations of the scale. Thus, if the association in reliability analysis is high, the scale yields consistent results and is therefore reliable.

There are four different approaches:

Internal Consistency Reliability: In reliability analysis, internal consistency measures how reliably a summated scale works when multiple items contribute to the total score. This measure of reliability in reliability analysis focuses on the internal consistency of the set of items forming the scale.

Split Half Reliability: A form of internal consistency reliability.  In reliability analysis, we divide the items on the scale into two halves and correlate the resulting half scores.  High correlations between the halves indicate high internal consistency in reliability analysis.  In reliability analysis, we can split the scale items into halves based on odd and even numbered items. This analysis limits outcomes based on how you split the items. To overcome this limitation, researchers use coefficient alpha, or Cronbach’s alpha, in reliability analysis.

Inter Rater Reliability: Also called inter rater agreement.  Inter rater reliability helps to understand whether or not two or more raters or interviewers administrate the same form to the same people homogeneously.  This is done in order to establish the extent of consensus that the instrument has been used by those who administer it.


  • Errors should be uncorrelated.
  • The coding done should have the same meaning across items.
  • In Split Half test, assignments of subjects are assumed random.
  • The observations should be independent of each other.
  • In Split Half test, the variances should be equivalently assumed.


Armor, D. J. (1974). Theta reliability and factor scaling. Sociological Methodology, 5, 17-50.

Ebel, R. L. (1951). Estimation of the reliability of ratings. Psychometrika, 16(4), 407-424.

Fleiss, J. L., & Cohen, J. (1973). The equivalence of weighted kappa and the intraclass correlation coefficient as measures of reliability. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 33, 613-619.

Graham, J. M. (2006). Congeneric and (essentially) tau-equivalent estimates of score reliability: What they are and how to use them. Educational and Psychological Measurements, 66(6), 930-944.

Haggard, E. A. (1958). Intraclass correlation and the analysis of variance. New York: Dryden.

Jansen, R. G., Wiertz, L. F., Meyer, E. S., & Noldus, L. P. J. J. (2003). Reliability analysis of observational data: Problems, solutions, and software implementation. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 35(3), 391-399.

McKelvie, S. J. (1992). Does memory contaminate test-retest reliability? Journal of General Psychology, 119(1), 59-72.

Raykov, T. (1997). Estimation of composite reliability for congeneric measures. Applied Psychological Measurement, 21(2), 173-184.

Raykov, T. (1998). Coefficient alpha and composite reliability with interrelated nonhomogeneous items. Applied Psychological Measurement, 22(4), 375-385.

Shrout, P.E., & Fleiss, J. L. (1979). Intraclass correlations: Uses in assessing rater reliability. Psychological Bulletin, 86(2), 420-428.

Waller, N. G. (2008). Commingled samples: A neglected source of bias in reliability analysis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 32(3), 211-223.

Walter, S. D., Eliasziw, M., & Donner, A. (1998). Sample size and optimal designs for reliability studies. Statistics in Medicine, 17(1), 101-110.

Yarnold, P. R., & Soltysik, R. C. (2005). Reliability analysis. In P. R. Yarnold & R. C. Soltysik (Eds.), Optimal data analysis: A guidebook with software for windows (pp. 121-140). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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Kappa Calculation