Content analysis provides information related to newspaper promotions, stories, photographs, displays and classified advertisements, etc. All of these fall in the scope of the study of Content analysis. Content analysis consists of counting and classifying content.
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In Content analysis, the researcher gathers information about the entire paper. This information includes the number of pages, the number of sections, etc. Then, an in-depth Content analysis is performed by the researcher on each content item.
The researcher in Content analysis analyzes each story in terms of its attributes, including topics, sources treatments, writing styles, etc. The researcher in Content analysis analyzes newspaper promotions for things like type, color, topic and size.
The researchers conduct content analysis for certain reasons. These reasons are as follows:
There are certain terms that are used in content analysis that are helpful in understanding Content analysis. For example, unitizing in content analysis is a process in which the investigator establishes uniformity in the analysis. Thus, the researcher in content analysis unitizes the words, sentences, paragraphs, etc.
Sampling is one of the crucial weapons in content analysis. The sampling plan in Content analysis is designed to minimize the distortion caused in some particular content due to certain major events, etc. In Content analysis, the content is generally enormous. Thus, the researcher utilizes the technique of sampling in order to make his content in content analysis less complicated. The theory behind sampling in content analysis consists of counting. This involves development of different kinds of similar-meaning terms.
Inference is a major part of content analysis. A contextual phenomenon in content analysis must be analyzed in order to obtain a valid inference of the context for findings.
Content analysis involves conclusions that are usually communicated by the researcher in a narrative manner.
There are basically two assumptions in content analysis. First, content analysis is generally assumed to be subjected to the problems of sampling. Second, content analysis is assumed to be based upon the context for words and meanings.
There are certain software resources for conducting content analysis. These include the following: