Inventory of Suicide Orientation (ISO-30)

As a suicide risk evaluation tool, the Inventory of Suicide Orientation-30 is used by psychologists, licensed social workers, and licensed counselors.  The ISO-30 is based on measurements of hopelessness and suicide outlook.  The instrument helps with identifying suicidal adolescents, encouraging counseling and communication, and monitors suicidal symptoms.

Ten minutes is required to complete the 30-item survey using a 4-point rating scale.  The ISO-30 is intended for adolescents from the ages of 13-18 years old.  Testing can be done on the computer or with paper-and-pencil.

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John D. King and Brian Kowalchuk

Reliability and Validity

According on the King and Kowalchuk 1994 study, the test-retest reliability over 3 to 4 days was 0.80 for the total score and 0.70 for the critical items of the ISO-30.  Also, dependent on the same study, the internal consistency for a clinical and student sample of adolescents was 0.90 showing high reliability.  Test from the same samples, the concurrent validity was calculated to be .64 and 0.52 when correlated with the SIQ instrument; .55 and .78 with the SIQ-JR version.

Where to Purchase

Orange County Testing Services

If you need assistance with this survey instrument once purchased…

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

For additional information on these services, click here.


King J, Kowalchuk B. Manual for ISO-30 Adolescent: Inventory of Suicide Orientation-30. Minneapolis, Minn: National Computer Systems, Inc; 1994.

Piersma H, Boes J. Utility of the Inventory of Suicide Orientation-30 (ISO-30) for adolescent psychiatric inpatients: linking clinical decision making with outcome evaluation. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1997;53:65-72.

Dissertation and Journals

Piersma HL and Boes JL (1997).  Utility of the Inventory of Suicide Orientation-30 (ISO-30) for adolescent psychiatric inpatients:  linking clinical decision making with outcome evaluation.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53(1):65-72.

Davids M. Reith and Liza Edmonds (2007).  Assessing the Role of Drugs in Suicidal Ideation and Suicidality.  CNS Drugs. 21(6):463-472.

Lillian M. Range (2005).  The Family of Instruments That Assess Suicide Risk.  Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, Vol.27, No.2.